Cumulus4j API


Cumulus4j is a plug-in for DataNucleus providing encrypted data-storage.


Class Summary
Cumulus4jConnectionFactory Connection factory implementation for Cumulus4j-connections.
Cumulus4jIncrementGenerator ValueGenerator implementation generating values by incrementing a counter.
Cumulus4jPersistenceHandler Handler for all persistence calls from the StoreManager, communicating with the backend datastore(s).
Cumulus4jStoreManager Store Manager for Cumulus4J operation.
DataNucleusObjectInputStream A subclass of ObjectInputStream using the ClassLoaderResolver to load classes.
DummyCryptoManager Dummy crypto-manager for debugging and testing.
EncryptionCoordinateSetManager Manager for EncryptionCoordinateSet instances.
EncryptionHandler Singleton per PersistenceManagerFactory handling the encryption and decryption and thus the key management.
IndexEntryAction Logic to add or remove an index entry.
ObjectContainerHelper Helper class for replacing object-references when storing a 1-1- or 1-n- or m-n-relationship inside an ObjectContainer.
PersistenceManagerConnection Connection to the underlying datastore(s).

Exception Summary

Package Description

Cumulus4j is a plug-in for DataNucleus providing encrypted data-storage.

Most classes in this package are extensions using DataNucleus' extension-points in order to implement reading and writing of objects. DataNucleus uses the Eclipse extension mechanism. If you are not familiar with Eclipse extensions, start reading here: Eclipse FAQ What are extensions and extension points?

On one side, Cumulus4j is accessed by the frontend (i.e. the API consumer) via the following APIs:

On the other side, Cumulus4j accesses the backend (i.e. another data storage) via a 2nd object-oriented persistence layer instance - more precisely an instance of PersistenceManagerFactory.

Cumulus4j API

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