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Indizes neu erstellen

Cumulus4j ermöglicht es, Ihre Daten mit dem vollen Funktionsumfang der Abfragesprachen, die in JDO oder JPA standardisiert sind (also JDOQL oder JPQL), abzufragen. Hierfür verwaltet Cumulus4j Indizes, die zwar einen Klartext-Schlüssel aber chiffrierte Zeiger haben. Diese Indizes können gelöscht und neu erstellt werden. Bei Updates ist dies manchmal notwendig.

Wann führt Cumulus4j eine Neu-Indizierung durch?

There is a DatastoreVersion persisted in the datastore having the commandID "RecreateIndex". If this record is missing or the commandVersion is lower in the database than the one expected by the code, then Cumulus4j performs a re-indexing (first deleting all existing indexes and then recreating them).

Why do I have to care?

Re-indexing can take a very long time. How long exactly depends on your data. Whenever it is mentioned on the What's new? page that a new version of Cumulus4j requires to re-index, you definitely should first try your upgrade on a staging system before touching the productive system. Needless to say that this is a recommended practice for every update, but with reindexing being necessary, this is a MUST!

Especially, if the re-indexing takes very long, you might need to take this into account programmatically (see below).

What does WorkInProgressException mean?

If recreating the indexes takes longer than a configurable time (persistence-property cumulus4j.DatastoreVersionCommand.applyWorkInProgressTimeout) which is 10 seconds by default, a org.cumulus4j.store.WorkInProgressException is thrown.

It is recommended that your application catches this exception, commits the current transaction and then aborts its current operation. Nothing of your application's data has been written to the datastore, yet, if this happens. Thus, it is safe to commit. Note, that you actually must commit, if you ever want to get further behind this point. Otherwise the re-indexing that has been done until now will be lost.

Recommended practice

It is recommended that you add a certain servlet which does nothing but perform a simple query or otherwise access the datastore (e.g. pm.getExtent(MyEntity.class)). This should be done in a try-catch-block. The catch-block expects the WorkInProgressException and causes the progress to be shown. Right now, the ProgressInfo (in the exception) is still empty, but we'll provide detailed information in a future version (you can see the progress in the log till then).

Why interrupt the work?

Many systems do not allow transactions to take forever. And even if they did, it is a bad idea to never commit inbetween. Imagine, the re-index operation takes 2 hours and for whatever reason, it fails after 110 minutes: Everything done till then would be lost. Committing inbetween means that only the remaining work needs to be done in the following transactions - even if an error occurred.

Additionally, it is possible to show the progress of the database-upgrade this way (see the mentioned servlet in "Recommended practice" above). This would not be possible, if the entire work would be done in one single transaction.

Note, that this applies to all database-upgrades - not only the reindexing. Though, the reindexing is the only one at the moment taking long enough for this mechanism to be necessary.

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